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Kurt MartinSubject: Selecting specific child elements
Author: Kurt Martin
Date: 01 Sep 2006 11:45 AM
I have the following snippet of XML code:

<g id="OBJECT">
<g id="_602" cs:objtype="circle" style="stroke-width:0.00350432;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);" cs:linecolor="rgb(0,0,255)" cs:lineweight="0.25" cs:linestyle="CONTINUOUS" cs:linestylescale="1">
<ellipse rx="0.0897105699" ry="0.0897105699" cx="6.04304637" cy="-7.95467306"/>
<g id="_85B" cs:objtype="point" style="stroke-width:0.00140173;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);" cs:linecolor="rgb(0,0,255)" cs:lineweight="0.1" cs:linestyle="CONTINUOUS" cs:linestylescale="1">
<polyline points="6.74875947,-3.29164927 6.74875947,-3.29164927 "/>
<g id="_85C" cs:objtype="line" style="stroke-width:0.00350432;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);" cs:linecolor="rgb(0,0,255)" cs:lineweight="0.25" cs:linestyle="CONTINUOUS" cs:linestylescale="1">
<polyline points="6.67474835,-3.41612189 6.67474835,-3.29164927 "/>
<polyline points="6.63774276,-3.34099005 6.78576508,-3.34099005 "/>
<polyline points="6.63774276,-3.48901208 6.63774276,-3.34099005 "/>
<polyline points="6.78576508,-3.48901208 6.78576508,-3.34099005 "/>
<polyline points="6.74875947,-3.41612189 6.74875947,-3.29164927 "/>
<g id="_861" cs:objtype="arc" style="stroke-width:0.00350432;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);" cs:linecolor="rgb(0,0,255)" cs:lineweight="0.25" cs:linestyle="CONTINUOUS" cs:linestylescale="1">
<path d="M6.78576548,-3.48901208 A0.0740115503,0.0740115503 0 0,0 6.63774238,-3.48901213 "/>
<path d="M6.7487601,-3.41612189 A0.0370061729,0.0370061729 0 0,0 6.67474776,-3.41612191 "/>
<g id="_868" cs:objtype="point" style="stroke-width:0.00140173;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);" cs:linecolor="rgb(0,0,255)" cs:lineweight="0.1" cs:linestyle="CONTINUOUS" cs:linestylescale="1">
<polyline points="9.68308463,-1.55590809 9.68308463,-1.55590809 "/>
<g id="_86D" cs:objtype="point" style="stroke-width:0.00140173;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);" cs:linecolor="rgb(0,0,255)" cs:lineweight="0.1" cs:linestyle="CONTINUOUS" cs:linestylescale="1">
<polyline points="11.7777285,-2.37453136 11.7777285,-2.37453136 "/>

I need to copy all of the child elements EXCEPT child g elements, so my output would be:

<g id="OBJECT">

<ellipse rx="0.0897105699" ry="0.0897105699" cx="6.04304637" cy="-7.95467306"/>
<polyline points="6.74875947,-3.29164927 6.74875947,-3.29164927 "/>
<polyline points="6.67474835,-3.41612189 6.67474835,-3.29164927 "/>
<polyline points="6.63774276,-3.34099005 6.78576508,-3.34099005 "/>
<polyline points="6.63774276,-3.48901208 6.63774276,-3.34099005 "/>
<polyline points="6.78576508,-3.48901208 6.78576508,-3.34099005 "/>
<polyline points="6.74875947,-3.41612189 6.74875947,-3.29164927 "/>
<path d="M6.78576548,-3.48901208 A0.0740115503,0.0740115503 0 0,0 6.63774238,-3.48901213 "/>
<path d="M6.7487601,-3.41612189 A0.0370061729,0.0370061729 0 0,0 6.67474776,-3.41612191 "/>
<polyline points="9.68308463,-1.55590809 9.68308463,-1.55590809 "/>
<polyline points="11.7777285,-2.37453136 11.7777285,-2.37453136 "/>


Any ideas?

Tony LavinioSubject: Selecting specific child elements
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 11 Sep 2006 04:48 PM
Try something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="US-ASCII" indent="yes"/>
<!-- create an encapsulating outer g element -->
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<!-- eat up the nested 'g' elements -->
<xsl:template match="g">
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
<!-- copy everything that isn't matched by the above more-precise rule -->
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:element name="{local-name(.)}" namespace="{namespace-uri(.)}">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>

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