Subject:Maximum recursion depth exceeded Author:roberto azzimonti Date:11 Oct 2007 12:47 PM Originally Posted: 11 Oct 2007 12:39 PM
I'm using Stylus 2007 enterprise suite release 2 build 894m on Windows XP professional.
While debugging an XSL I get the following message:
The XSLT processor has exceeded the maximum recursion depth set under Tools|Options.
There is not an infinity loop in my code, it's just a large XML to process and in my options I disabled the checking for infinite loop, still I get this error and I can't fully debug my XSL with the original XML I have to manually shorter the original XML in order to avoid this error. Is there a work around for this?
Thank you.
Subject:Maximum recursion depth exceeded Author:(Deleted User) Date:12 Oct 2007 11:58 AM
Hi Roberto,
the check for recursion that you disabled displays a message if the same template gets called in a recursive way; but the error you are getting is triggered by a too deep call stack, that exceeds the "Maximum recursion level" setting that you find in the same option page. If moving the slider to the far right side doesn't allow you to finish processing, try writing a larger value in the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stylus Studio\2007 XML Enterprise Suite Release 2\Plugin Settings, in the "XSLT Editor: Option: RecursionLevel" entry.
So even if user unchecks the loop control the software always uses the registry setting (500 occurences max). That's strange.
You may want to consider to do this modification automatically, something like: if user unchecks the option to prevent infinite loop the software should also automatically set the max occurences to infinite, better yet, the software shouldn't even use that number at all at that point.