[XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: XSLT 2 I have a for-each, When there is only 1 in
You haven't shown your source document and it's not at all clear what your question is, but an absolute path inside a for-each > xsl:when test="/records/... is always a danger signal because your're testing a condition that' doesn't depend on which element in the iteration is being processed. Michael Kay Saxonica > On 5 Jul 2023, at 14:51, LEGAULT, PHILLIP plegault@xxxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > XSLT 2 I have a for-each for consumer initials , When there is only 1 instance I want to display just the 1 initials. If there are 2 I a want it to display with PL, JL, etc. > > Here is what I have: > <reporterfamilyname><xsl:for-each select="/records/sf:Consumers__r/records"> > <xsl:choose> > <xsl:when test="/records/sf:Product_GCC__r/sf:Locale_GCC__r/sf:Region_GCC__c = 'EMEA'"> > <xsl:text>ANON</xsl:text> > </xsl:when> > <xsl:otherwise> > <xsl:value-of select="substring(sf:Consumer_GCC__r/sf:FirstName/text(),1,1)"/><xsl:value-of select="substring(sf:Consumer_GCC__r/sf:LastName/text(),1,1)"/> > </xsl:otherwise> > </xsl:choose></xsl:for-each> > </reporterfamilyname> > > > XSL-List info and archive <http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list> > EasyUnsubscribe <http://lists.mulberrytech.com/unsub/xsl-list/293509> (by email <>)
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