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Re: xslt create a variable from external xml file

Subject: Re: xslt create a variable from external xml file
From: "LEGAULT, PHILLIP plegault@xxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:10:15 -0000
Re:  xslt create a variable from external xml file
This one gives me an error,
Error at xsl:param on line 266 column 107 of process.xsl:
  XPST0003 XPath syntax error at char 39 on line 266 near {...environment =>
    Unexpected token ">" in path expression
Error at xsl:param on line 266 column 107 of process.xsl:
  XPST0081 SequenceType syntax error at char 0 in {xs:string}:
    Undeclared namespace prefix {xs}
Failed to compile stylesheet. 2 errors detected.

From: Bauman, Syd s.bauman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:24 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re:  xslt create a variable from external xml file

Do you have control over the ./inc/env.xml file? If so, my thought would be to
skip the <root> and have it say

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

(Just easier for humans to read, I think.)
Given that env file the following XSLT should do the trick (untested):

  <xsl:param name="env" select="document('./inv/env.xml')/environment =>
normalize-space()" as="xs:string"/>
  <!-- ... -->
      <xsl:when test="$env eq 'test'">
      <xsl:when test="$env eq 'prod'"/>
        <xsl:message terminate="yes" select="'I cannot figure out if I am on
"test" or "prod", so I am giving up.'"/>

If you do not have control over the env.xml file, use
document('./inv/env.xml')/root/environment instead. Note that using
<xsl:param> rather than <xsl:variable> is not at all necessary, it just allows
you to set the environment on any particular run by passing in a parameter.
(BTW, I have used a param for this sort of thing in the past, but never an
external file like that. From a bash script something like
  saxon -s:input.xml -xsl:transform.xslt -o:/tmp/output.xml host=$(hostname
allows me to test which machine I am running on. Warning, though, the above is
from memory, and mine is fading. :-)

Also note I did not bother with the <xsl:text></xsl:text> in the 'prod' clause
of the <choose>. Seems to me there is no point in asking the XSLT processor to
go through the hassle of creating a text node only to find there is nothing in
it, so it ends up disappearing, anyway.

I have a need to determine what environment I'm working on without hardcoding
the differences in the large xslt file.

I have tried

<xsl:variable name="externalDoc" select="document('inc/env.xml')"/>

File content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




And in the main xslt file I use, I just want to add a T at the end.


  <xsl:when test="$externalDoc/environment = 'test'">



  <xsl:when test="$externalDoc/environment = 'prod'">




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