[XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: Resetting footnotes not working
Hi Mark,
I found that there are no effective examples for this extension property. So I made the example from Antenna House US site sample archive. Please download the ZIP file that contains .fo and .pdf files. (This is the link to my OneDrive. It is safe.) https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkbL99fLhxKUiNAwQrFEBjfAPPc3jQ?e=lY4tfk Hope this helps your development work. Regards, Toshihiko Makita Antenna House, Ina Branch. On 2023/07/15 10:21, Mark Giffin m1879@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: Thanks very much for the tip, Toshihiko. I should have checked for an extension. I am using AH v6.2 and the docs for this version say that it supports axf:footnote-number-reset. But when I try to use it according to the docs, it has no effect on the footnote numbering. I'm using it like below, with axf:footnote-number-initial.
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