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Re: minified json output

Subject: Re: minified json output
From: "Rushforth, Peter peter.rushforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:31:50 -0000
Re:  minified json output
>I had to do some work on version 1 recently and I was surprised at how
tolerable the whole experience was. Ok I didn't have to do any aggressive
string handling or anything that required a > recursive template  but it
brought home how well designed the initial incarnation of the language was.

No real argument with that, but I recall grouping was a major pain point.

Ibm sure there were other benefits for the upgrade ( xpath expressions,
functions ) too, but yes, on the whole what was good then still is.

But now itbs just a pain that there are situations where I canbt apply
code developed for one context (servlet, web application) in another

So yeah, I still wish the rest of the world would move a little forward wrt


From: Ihe Onwuka ihe.onwuka@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: January 29, 2015 11:57
To: xsl-list
Subject: Re:  minified json output

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Rushforth, Peter
rytech.com>> wrote:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#xml-to-json-stylesheet
json support could be the motivation for us to upgrade to v 3 techniques.

Now that I am acquainted with JSONiq it wouldn't be enough to tempt me.  At
one point I thought streaming would but I keep finding workarounds.

I wish the rest of the world would get off version 1.

I had to do some work on version 1 recently and I was surprised at how
tolerable the whole experience was. Ok I didn't have to do any aggressive
string handling or anything that required a recursive template  but it brought
home how well designed the initial incarnation of the language was.
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