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Re: Saxon.js on the server?

Subject: Re: Saxon.js on the server?
From: "Rob Koberg rob.koberg@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 02:13:31 -0000
Re:  Saxon.js on the server?
This will have problems because you are using a string instead of a
file. The base path of the input document will resolve to the script
rather than the location of the XML. This is also a problem for many
of the node/xml modules, because they mostly (from what I can tell)
convert the file into a string before the parse.

I use grunt to call out to the command line to trigger an ant build file task.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 5:27 PM, O'Neil Delpratt oneil@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> A Saxon user on the Saxon-CE github mailing list proposed a way to use XSLT
> with Node.js.  I have never used Node.js, but it seems like an interesting
> project from its description.
> I am asking if anyone from the XSLT community who has experience of using
> node.js would find this project of use and interesting. See email below from
> github user rimmartin:
> Hi,
> for nodejs I put some c++ glue together to make a V8/node module work with
> Saxon/C http://www.saxonica.com/saxon-c/index.xml instead of Saxon-CE.
> Typical node code is
> try
> {
>     var content = yield fs.readFile(global.inputXmlPath, "utf8");
>     var saxonProcessor = new saxon.SaxonProcessor(false);
>     var xsltProcessor = saxonProcessor.newTransformer();
>     xsltProcessor.compile(global.xslPath);
>     xsltProcessor.parseXmlString(content);
>     var pdbContent = xsltProcessor.xsltApplyStylesheet();
>     console.dir(pdbContent);
> }
> catch (err) {
> console.dir(err.message);
> }
> Works like a charm. It is based on nodejs --harmony using the new yields and
> generators.
> Would this be of interest to the xslt and node communities?
> To do: I need to implement parameters and properties. Can readily add xquery
> processor as well.
> -------------------------------
> O'Neil Delpratt
> Software Developer, Saxonica Limited Email: oneil@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Tel: +44 118 946 5894
> Web: http://www.saxonica.com
> Saxonica Community site: http://dev.saxonica.com
> Bug tracking site: https://saxonica.plan.io/
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