[XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] document with absolute path
Hi, I am trying to open a file using document and would prefer absolute path. I am using saxon under windows (with cygwin) as you can guess from my uri. Before I did it with relative path, then it worked, but now not anymore. What am I doing wrong? B B B B B B <xsl:variable name="dictloc" select="document('File:///c:/cygwin/home/Mengel/usr/levelup/lib/mpxvok.xml')" /> .... B B B B B B B B B <xsl:when test="exists ($dictloc/mpxvok:mpxvok/mpxvok:context[@name eq $dictname])"> When I enter File:///c:/cygwin/home/Mengel/usr/levelup/lib/mpxvok.xml in explorer it opens the right file. Thanks! Maurice
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