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RE: Is there any XSLT debugger stepping in subexpressi

Subject: RE: Is there any XSLT debugger stepping in subexpressions of a complex XPath expression? (Was: Re: XPath (and other W3C drafts))
From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:28:11 -0000
RE:  Is there any XSLT debugger stepping in subexpressi
> Does Saxon really provide enough data via its debugging API 
> to support such debugging?

Yes. If you compile the stylesheet with tracing enabled, Saxon wraps a trace
expression around every node in the expression tree, and each one results in
a pair of enter() and leave() calls to the TraceListener.

The problem of course is that if you exposed this granularity in a debugger,
the steps would be so small as to make single-stepping extremely tedious. So
the debugger has to choose which calls to ignore. I don't know how oXygen
does this. I suspect it's doing the same as the Saxon XSLTTraceListener does
when you use the -T option, which is more-or-less to ignore all events other
than those associated with expressions that are classified as XSLT

At present I can't quite see how it distinguishes between an xsl:if, and
xsl:choose, and an XPath if (perhaps it doesn't). They all produce very
similar code but there may be some provenance information retained to make
error reports more readable.


Michael Kay

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