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RE: output to iso-8859-1 of non-iso characters, what i

Subject: RE: output to iso-8859-1 of non-iso characters, what is required action
From: "Geert Josten" <geert.josten@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 18:53:27 +0200
RE:  output to iso-8859-1 of non-iso characters
Just a practical note, I have been working with encoding 'us-ascii' for
years now. It outputs the characters within the 7-bit range as plain
text and anything above as numeric character references. Most common
parsers XSLT 1 are respecting this, though I am not sure what the specs
say about this.

It might be a satisfactory alternative for you, Bryan.

These numeric character references can also be traced easily with plain
text processing to add signaling of characters beyond the 7 of 8-bit
range, or something like that.

Kind regards,


Drs. G.P.H. Josten

Daidalos BV
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> From: Michael Kay [mailto:mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: woensdag 7 mei 2008 17:20
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE:  output to iso-8859-1 of non-iso
> characters, what is required action
> > But if I am outputting a text document with iso-8859-1 then the
> > presence of non-iso characters in the output will raise an error.
> The spec says "should" rather than "will". XSLT 2.0 is
> stricter, it says "must".
> If you're asking what the spec says, that's the answer. If
> you're asking why it says that, that's a different question.
> It's very hard to answer questions about why a WG made a
> particular decision even if you were at all the relevant
> meetings - which I wasn't. What one can do is try to invent a
> rationale that the WG might use to justify the decision if
> asked. But clearly in this case different users are likely to
> have different expectations and requirements, so it's a
> subjective decision.
> Michael Kay
> http://www.saxonica.com/

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