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Hi all, I have a problem with the default template, text() and an element within another element. <title> Renew LP Piston Seal (Fig 5.5.1 <xref xrefid="F5.5.1" xidtype="FIGURE"> ) </xref> </title> I want this to output as: Renew LP Piston Seal (Fig 5.5.1 xref ) where 'xref' will be replaced by a graphic. I am overriding the default template using <xsl:template match=text()/> because there are several hundred elements that arent for display. However, matching <xref> with a separate template and overriding the default template in this way means 'xref' is moved outside the (fig). I have been told to override the default template with a predicate to not include <title> and use the default template to output the contents of <title>. I have two points: 1. //*[not(name()='title')] matches all elements apart from the text in <title> //text()[not(name()='title')] matches all text, including that in <title> What xpath do I need to use to stop all text except that in <title>? 2. If I use the default template to output the contents of <title>, how do I obtain the same sort of result as: <xsl:template match="para0/title"> <p class="title"><xsl:value-of select="."/></p> </xsl:template> Something like: <p class="title"> <xsl:apply-templates select="titleTemplate"/> </p> <xsl:apply-templates/> (...and change match to name) Thanks Andrew. (btw, I have been using xpath visualiser, is anyone interested in implementing a 'reverse visualiser' or similar. Im sure I found one on the web long ago that was a bit limited. A product like that has to be a winner, right? :) XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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