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XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive by thread - January, 2015
- XSL-List Guidelines
- XSLT 3.0: What is the correct "Deep Skip" template rule code ?
- Re: XSLT 3.0: What is the correct "Deep Skip" template rule code ?
- Re: XSLT 3.0: Question about the meaning of <xsl:modetyped="unspecified"/>
- Re: XSLT 3.0: The definition of the "unnamed mode"
- Re: XSLT 3.0: Conflicting information about the possible parents of <xsl:context-item>
- Saxon.js on the server?
- XSLT 3.0 JSON processing -- a few comments from a friend
ANN: XML Streaming Tutorial
Support or interest for iterate-adjacent-groups?
Re: German umlaut sort
Question on grouping and streaming in XSLT 3: difference between Saxon 9.6 EE and online version of Exselt
Using Key in the middle of Xpath
Saxon Div Issue
reference value from XML document inside XSL for printing
Block (container) - one line at the top and one at the bottom - how to achieve this ?
Call for Participation: Balisage 2015
XSLT 3.0: Catching an error in the declaration/ initialization of a variable that is outside of <xsl:try>
More free-form layouts - side-by-side
Performance of predicate-based patterns
XSLT3.0: Predictable recovery of errors when rollback-output="no" is specified?
Re: XSLT3.0: Predictable recovery of errors when rollback-output="no " is specified?
streaming identity transformation
All Pluralsight training courses can be accessed for free in the next 72 hours
Symposium on Cultural Heritage Markup
xsl:for-each-group using multiple threads?
minified json output
Using contains with more than one string - XSLT2.0
Creating a container element for siblings which have different start and end elements
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