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XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive by thread - April, 2010
- RE: Re: UTF characters
- XSL-List Guidelines
- loop through comma seperated values
- Michael Kay - 1 Apr 2010 15:15:50 -0000
Xpath/XSLT 2.0 & Schema Question
grouping problem
conditional based html formated output - reg
Balisage Submissions due in TWO WEEKS
RE: Calculating Column Total
Replace nodes in xml file
- Suresh - 2 Apr 2010 19:15:25 -0000
Announce: Early-bird date extended for XSLT/XQuery training [XSL List]
Identity transform
I'm trying to get the last item in a group (but getting the first), xslt v2
I'm trying to get the last item in a group (but getting the first), xslt v2
How to check if a value is numeric and add 2500 to it?
Mandatory and Missing Columns
Re: Create Table
RE: Round function in XSL 1.0
Where does <xsl:message> output go?
What is best practice for dealing with errors in XSLT 1.0?
writing to a file in xslt
- a kusa - 7 Apr 2010 15:45:46 -0000
Optimizing preceding-sibling & following-sibling axes (with key()?)
Re: Wrap HTML headings and following siblings in <section/>
set union? xslt 2.0
problem with processing CDATA tags in xml
Ordered union of sequences
Total Missing documents for each Event
Nodes get new IDs in function?
Generating book index via attributes...
embed Base64 content into xml element
- Suresh - 9 Apr 2010 18:51:06 -0000
Assigning serial numbers
Re: XML-MOZILLA Compatibility
xdiff. XML file comparison using xslt
mixed content grouping by whitespace
Calculate the average line length within variable name="lines" as="element()*" not including the last line
CSS parsing
reorder child nodes
The output of evaluating an XSLT transform is the same regardless of the order in which output elements are evaluated. Right?
Message not available
Dimitre Novatchev - 13 Apr 2010 17:18:31 -0000
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen - 16 Apr 2010 01:47:30 -0000
Dimitre Novatchev - 16 Apr 2010 02:35:04 -0000
Select previous sibling where attribute is not empty
EXSLT replace to XSLT 2.0 replace
Strange Saxon error
how to decode Base64 in XSLT?
Re: Strange Saxon error
Sum of values from XML
- Tom T - 15 Apr 2010 15:07:40 -0000
Read from 2 xml files and sum values!
- Suresh - 15 Apr 2010 15:25:44 -0000
[no subject]
Problem: XSLT, attribute value, Unicode supplementary characters
For this input element, fire all matching template rules. Any way to fire multiple template rules for an input element?
Name of current mode
entities in decimal-format/format-number
Writing xslt from DSML
Entity inside an attribute
Re: Writing xslt from DSML
using xsl:call-template dynamicly
MSXML and date functions
XSLT 1.0 : HTML table with
marking up text when term from other file is found
Simple list numbering problem with rule based stylesheet approach
Required item type of first operand of '/' is node(); supplied value has item type xs:string
Finding nodes between other nodes
modify the tag name of a given List Node
document with absolute path
Re: Quality between XSL:FO PDF and InDesign PDF
Learning SA XPath/XSLT: Has anyone a collection of XSLT/XPath schema-aware problems?
XPath discovery tool?
- cknell - 25 Apr 2010 00:10:13 -0000
Parsing reports.
Flattening, grouping & ordering elements
- Fjoerie - 26 Apr 2010 12:15:05 -0000
Rusty at XSLT, need help ("Oil can!, Oil can!")
- cknell - 26 Apr 2010 21:06:56 -0000
saxon: [Language: en] in format-date()
presenting xml elements as they appear in the source file
- Rod Kane - 27 Apr 2010 17:55:28 -0000
- Message not available
- Michael Kay - 27 Apr 2010 18:37:12 -0000
- Message not available
How smart are the XSLT processors? Are there any XSLT processors that convert tree-recursive functions into efficient iterative procedures?
FO - reference-orientation problem
Re: Arabic fonts and ligatures
Problem of template priority
Recording start and end time of processing (in pipeline)
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