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I keep finding that how different systems handle document fragments is a useful indicator of how they look at the world. React is a pretty popular framework from Facebook, one I mostly like except for odd things deriving from their particular mixture of markup and JavaScript. They recently added more explicit fragment handling, and it might be worth your time to explore it: https://reactjs.org/blog/2017/11/28/react-v16.2.0-fragment-support.html Among other things, their requirement of key attributes (but no other attributes) in some contexts and their prohibition of attributes in other places suggest a more element-centric approach than I've seen in a while. Attributes remain available through other syntactical approaches, but shortcut syntaxes tend to be a good indicator of how developers want their tools used. Just another potentially fun aside! Thanks, Simon [Date Prev] | [Thread Prev] | [Thread Next] | [Date Next] -- [Date Index] | [Thread Index] |
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