[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: Your XML document is a programming language
On 9 Sep 2013, at 12:59, Costello, Roger L. wrote: > Hi Folks, > > This is a programming language: > > <Book> > <Title>____</Title> > <Author>____</Author> > </Book> > > Don't let the angle brackets and element names deceive you, it is a programming language. > > When I execute this program > > <Book> > <Title>Six Great Ideas</Title> > <Author>Mortimer Adler</Author> > </Book> > Hang on, first you tell us that this snippet is a programming language, then you tell us it's a program. Well, it's easy to see how it is a program. "Beam me up, Scotty" is a program if someone designs a programming language that includes this as one of its permitted constructions, and if the language defines semantics for this sentence. For any string of characters, you can design a programming language in which that string of characters is a program. So you can certainly design a programming language in which your <Book>..</Book> sample is a program. It only becomes an interesting programming language if it is suitable for writing a sufficiently general class of programs, and that's something you have yet to demonstrate. Michael Kay Saxonica
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