On 6/2/2011 10:22 PM, David Lee wrote:
> I do ( use MarkLogic )
> And it appears to work perfectly fine using context sensitive duplicate
> It's true that if you want to fine tune fragmentation or create special
range indexes it bites you but overall I've had no problems
> Sent from my iPad (excuse the terseness)
That's ok David - after all, brevity is the soul of wit, as the bard put
it. Still it is the case that MarkLogic's built-in term indexes (not
the range ones) are based on element (and attribute) names, and although
there are also contextual (parent/child) indexes, you will not get best
performance there if you rely on context sensitivity; eg queries for
//name can be resolved straight out of the indexes accurately and don't
require additional filtering, wheras //person/name and //place/name
require (some) extra processing. For example, to get an accurate count
there, ML has to filter every possible result returned by the indexes.
ML is spiffy and does this really fast, so you usually don't notice, but
if you have 1M docs and want to know exactly how many have a person name
"Lee", you really will notice the difference.
I'm not trying to run down MarkLogic - it's a great system for XML work;
merely pointing out that in some cases practical considerations that
have little to do with semantic correctness may inform the design of
your tag set.
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