[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Shredding XML
This list has been unusually quiet of late so I thought it might be an opportune moment to ask for opinions on the subject of decomposing XML into relational databases, often referred to as 'shredding'. My particular interest is related to some work I'm currently engaged in. The basics are we receive XML messages from an external trading partner and process those messages, enriching and routing to a number of internal subscriber applications. One of these applications is MI and the deal here is that they want the data to been put into a relational database so that they can create a number of interfaces 'files' which are sent to still more applications. Whilst I would like to consider a pure XML database or even use some of the XML features that are increasingly prevalent in mainstream DB vendor products, clearly putting data into a 'staging' database is one thing, but the capabilities and competances of the applications and application programmers who want to retrieve it is a key factor. So, for the immediate term I might be stuck (if thats fair - probably not) with relational. So to better inform myself and maybe help the debate along internally, I am interested in anyone else experience good and bad, of shredding XML data, pitfalls, things to be aware of, good approaches, when to really not do it. All thoughts are welcome. I find it intersting the some of the 'big boys' are at least giving the appearance of providing first-class support for XML both in terms of storage options and manipulation capability. IBM for example has pureXML. I haven't used these enough to know if they're just a thin veneer of whether they have real substance and depth, so again your experiences are welcome. Regards Fraser,
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