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Re: Mapping XHTML to XLink via Architectural Forms

  • From: Eric van der Vlist <vdv@d...>
  • To: xml-dev@l...
  • Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 17:22:04 +0200

Re: Mapping XHTML to XLink via Architectural Forms
"Simon St.Laurent" wrote:
> Eric van der Vlist raised some issues [1] with the recent working draft of
> 'Syntax of CSS rules in HTML's "STYLE" attribute' [2].  HTML, XHTML, SVG,
> and MathML all use this 'style' attribute.
I see this as something that will happen more and more frequently and
not only within vocabularies defined by the W3C ;=) ...

There is a lot of overlap between vocabularies that have been defined
independently and it would often make sense to create new modules to
isolate the common feature and reduce the overlaps.

I should have thought about it before W3C XML Schema is CR :( but after
reading the XLink remapping document, I wonder if a feature to define
"synonyms" wouldn't have been useful.

To be able to say:

"consider @href and @xlink:href as equivalent"
"consider @style and @css:style as equivalent"
"consider @base and @xml:base as equivalent"
"consider @lang and @xml:lang as equivalent"

would solve many issues...

Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
http://xmlfr.org         http://4xt.org              http://ducotede.com


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