[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RE: Will XML change the character of W3C? Was: Re: sunshine andstandard
> >Here's the rub: XML Is Not a W3C Success. > > I disagree. Emphatically. Amy, you can disagree, and folk at InformationWeek can give TimBL credit for XML, but the facts, the *history* is different. At times a few folk at the W3C were actually hostile to the idea of generic markup (SGML on the Web). For most of the early XML work (in the SGML ERB), the work was largely ignored. That is the truth of it. The truth also is that without some experienced (ISO/ANSI) standards folk, folk with experience in technology areas, and without some truly wonderful people in the chair position, much of the W3C work would never have coalesced. These *people* are the ones that made the standards.
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