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----- Original Message ----- From: Dmitri Pavlenkov <dmitripavlenkov@y...> > Nobody knows what to do about this. Death > of simplicity. > </q> > > Please, tell me what do you mean saying "I know > what to do about this" ? > > What exactly do you know ? > Therefore, I know what to do when some other company's > XML standard becomes wide-spread instead of mine. I'll > just write XSLT :^) Nice. I'm skipping the rest of your letter because it is irrelevant. So your answer is "I'll write XSLT stylesheet". Have you done that in the real life ? I have done that. That's why I'm asking. And by the way - what is 'your company XML standard' ? If you have nothing developed, you are for sure not affected by those things described by Dvorak. Rgds.Paul. > When you say it is a death of simplicity, I say it is a death of > complexity that is involved when trying to bridge > legacy systems. PS. I know the word 'legacy'. It is the nice word invented in the US, I think. Usually it means: "That crappy software that we have to use 'as-is' because developers who wrote it are all fired long time ago and we have no source code for this system" ( real story. far not unique, BTW. ). I don't understand how will XML change this part of IT, because using XML will not increase the number of smart managers. Those Y2K dances, 'COBOL legacy' and stuff like that has *nothing* to do with the technology. I don't understand why so many people are claming that 'the use of XML will be smarter and 'better' ' than the use of preceding technologies'. Merchants will become altruists, morons will not fire key developers e t.c. Dvorak talks about the end of simplicity comparing to *HTML* not to COBOL. This is not only technical, but social e t.c stuff. Could you please be consistent discussing Dvorak's article, instead of writing scary tales about the legacy systems ? PPS. How will you convert from your-FO to XSL FO with your silver-bullet XSLT, BTW ?
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