[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: It is Pretty Dumb (Was RE: Not so stupid (was re: More Stupid XMLArt
On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 04:22:20PM -0500, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote: > It is pretty dumb and he knows better. Len's right, it's poorly researched. The author confuses XML.com articles with Seybold Seminars. Flattered as I am that my intro-writing is taken seriously, to interpret my teaser for Alan Kotok's ebXML article as authoratitive doom-saying is quite a large step to take. I'd have been amused to see how this writer would have talked about ASCII: "But they're all writing their own sentences, just how they want! It's all too confusing." chuckling, -- Edd
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