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Re: Schema at XML namespace URI to change

  • From: Jonathan Borden <jborden@m...>
  • To: "Bullard, Claude L (Len)" <clbullar@i...>, ht@c...,Tim Bray <tbray@t...>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 11:59:23 -0400

xml namespace uri wrong

> This is confusing.  The problem of mime types
> for the metalanguage has been discussed for
> a long time now, even when XML itself was
> being specified and prior to that when
> it was proposed that SGML application
> languages be specified as notations.  What
> issues have held up work in this area?

    The 'problem' with IETF certified MIME types is that each MIME type (or
group of types) needs to move through the IETF process. A major advantage of
namespaces is that they are available to anyone who can create a URI. Using
the DNS system, a registration and resolution mechanism exists today,
problems and all, and software (e.g. web server) exists that can resolve a
URI, parameterized by a MIME type via the Accept: header, into a document.
    Alternatives such as Notations and FPIs have been proposed and specified
but as of today no pervasive infrastructure exists to resolve an FPI into a
document. So we have a alternative: a system which has problems but
basically works much of the time, or a theoretically better system which
hasn't been deployed.

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group


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