[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: Will XML change the character of W3C?
Paul Tchistopolskii has raised the bar on my precisin: > > From: Thomas B. Passin <tpassin@h...> > > > HTML succeeded, I'm sure, because of three > > things: > > > > 1) Anyone can write HTML, basically without training, just > > by looking at a few samples and experimenting. > > > With xml, lots of people saw the same thing - they could > > write useful xml without much of a learning curve and it > > would be useful for their purposes. > > Agree. ...> > No! Not all three! 'End-user' can use HTML and > Apache not writing a line of code in any 'programming language'. > > XML is almost *useless* to non-developer, because how can > end-user use XML 'as-is' ? For writing config files of Apache ? > Not a big improvement for the end-user. > > Writing Web-pages in XML instead of HTML ??? No way. > Much harder ( for many reasons ). > > The only people who can /are benefiting from > XML are developers. > ... Yes, I was thinking of developers instead of end users, although I didn't say so. And I meant that developers (or would-be developers) can get started with xml with very low barriers, in the same way that users and non-developers were able to get started with HTML. It is strange how browserrs have been so long in coming, isn't it? Regards, Tom Passin
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