[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RE: Services-based automation (WAS RE: Realistic proposals to the W3C?)
> I suppose the answer is to either: > > a) use a persistant URL http://www.purl.org > b) figure out a better DNS/URL mechanism. Perhaps... > I'm not trying to suggest that RDF or RDF Schemas somehow magically solve > the world's problems. All I'm trying to do is give a few basics about RDF > and RDF Schemas and how they relate to semantic networks and > ultimately the semantic web as I see it. Which is very much appreciated. I *have* however heard other people make far more gradiose claims for RDF/Namespaces/Semantic Web to the point where they almost appear magical. I'm just trying to point out that they are *not* magic, and are built on a fragile foundation.
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