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Re: Problem with XMLTagger
- From: malcolmdbmunro <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
- To: xml-dev@l...
- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:49:53 -0500
May I appeal to the list at large for help. The following correspondance
explains the problem.
Subject: Re: Your email earlier today
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 06:37:49 -0500
From: malcolmdbmunro <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
To: Simon Houlding <simon@h...>
Dear Simon,
I reloaded MS Office to attempt to reestablish previous settings
and the one thing change is that the paste function has
returned but not the cut and copy. Now, I did not uninstall Word
and try to reinstall. That would be my next step.
Again, I appreciate the time and trouble you are taking. Before I
do anything else, why don't I try reloading XMLTagger
and document each step I take?
In attempting to offer you all the help I can, here are my responses
to your questions.
- operating system? Windows 98
- version of MS Office? MS Office 97 Professional Edition
- available memory on your workstation? 32MB
- is it possible that you inadvertently merged the XMLTagger
(default.dot) with the MS Word default template (normal.dot)
and overwrote
it? ... this could possibly account for the message you are
now getting.
It is possible but, when XML Tagger was loaded on the machine, which
it is now not, normal dot existed as a separate file and, besides, the
XMLTagger template was in a separate folder from that in which normal dot
The message? Are you speaking of the message that came up when I
tried XML Tagger, the one that read to the effect that " your version of
Word has a documented problem, Images will not translate properly" Is not
a message
you are familiar with. It came up only on that one try that I made
of your software. If this has significance I can reload XMLTagger and more
faithfully report what the message says and the options offered.
- do you have access to RoboHelp support? ... some input from
them might
help as yours is the first reported occurrence of this problem.
I personally think this is a red herring. I haven't opened RoboHelp
during this process. I mentioned RoboHelp because they are the only other
templates loaded on the machine. Blue Sky Software are the people concerned.
I am prefectly happy to approach them with the problem.
Subject: Re: Your email earlier today
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 22:52:45 -0700
From: "Simon Houlding" <simon@h...>
To: "malcolmdbmunro" <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
We sympathize with the problems you are having ... but we need more
information in order to attempt a diagnosis, such as ...
- operating system?
- version of MS Office?
- available memory on your workstation?
- is it possible that you inadvertently merged the XMLTagger template
(default.dot) with the MS Word default template (normal.dot)
and overwrote
it? ... this could possibly account for the message you are now getting.
- do you have access to RoboHelp support? ... some input from them might
help as yours is the first reported occurrence of this problem.
Regards ... Simon Houlding
----- Original Message -----
From: "malcolmdbmunro" <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
To: "Simon Houlding" <simon@h...>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Your email earlier today
> Dear Simon,
>I am deeply appreciative of the support you are offering.
> OK, I deleted XMLTagger, emptied the Recyle bin and rebooted the
> open a document in Word and still the cut, copy and paste icons
> still ghosted. I open Tools, Customize and immediately the icons
> "live" but the minute I click the form close, they disappear.
> I might add that I tried an existing document in Word this morning
> noticed an error message to the effect that my version of Word
has a
> know problem with converting images and gave me a number of options.
> chose to close Windows Save As.
> So, where from here?
> Again, I appreciate your support. And thank you.
From: "Simon Houlding" <simon@h...>
To: malcolmdbmunro <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
Sent: October 11, 2000 2:50:28 PM GMT
Subject: Re: XMLTagger Support
We are not familiar with the RoboHelp product ... however it is possible
there is a conflict with XMLTagger behind the scenes. We suggest you
Office and delete the XMLTagger directory and contents (you can always
re-install from the zip file later) ... then re-start Office and see
if the
problem goes away. For the record ... XMLTagger has no functionality
attempts to change any of the Office toolbars.
Regards ... Simon Houlding
----- Original Message -----
From: "malcolmdbmunro" <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
To: "Simon Houlding" <simon@h...>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: XMLTagger Support
> Dear Simon,
> I tried following exactly as you suggest. When I get to the toolbars
> icons go from ghost grey to their normal appearance. When
I drag the icons > onto the toolbar, I get two sets of icons. When
I close the displayed form the
> icons return to grey.
> I rebooted the machine and now the paste function has gone the
same way. I
> might mention, in case it has bearing, that I have RoboHelp on
my machine
> and there are lots of templates for that in the template directory.
Subject: Re: XMLTagger Support
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 20:14:29 -0700
From: "Simon Houlding" <simon@h...>
To: "malcolmdbmunro" <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
1.We are not sure why some of your edit options disappeared ... to retrieve
them to the toolbar the following should work ...
1.1 click Toolbars on the View menu, then Customize
1.2 select Standard under the Toolbars tag in the displayed form
1.3 select Category:Edit under the Commands tag in the same form
1.4 scroll thru the list of edit icons displayed on the right ... select
Cut icon ... drag and drop it over the appropriate toolbar
1.5 repeat for the Copy icon, etc.
2. You can attach the XMLTagger macro to any document (existing or new)
the Templates and Add Ins option on the Tools menu (see User Guide
- FAQ).
3. If you are converting tables ... then you should apply appropriate
shading to the table cells (e.g. white) before conversion ... we should
included this in the documentation.
Regards ... Simon Houlding
----- Original Message -----
From: "malcolmdbmunro" <malcolmdbmunro@e...>
To: <xmltagger@h...>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:36 PM
Subject: XMLTagger Support
> I have a need to convert numerous tables in MS Word to XML. I have
> searching for some time and found your product. It looks promising.
> I can't possibly try it at work. I work for Schlumberger and I
> afford to currupt files there.
> I down loaded your software and it appeared to load OK but I only
> the toolbar in new documents and I have lost the ability to cut
> copy. Whatever document I open in Word 97 only the paste option
> Help!
Perhaps, someone can throw some light on the problem.
Malcolm D. B. Munro
tel: 713 667 3375 (home)
281 285 7354 (office)
email: malcolmdbmunro@e...