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> Now *I* will *really* quote the paragraph which > you > are criticizing and then I will be glad to get any > sound answer from you. > And *I* will gladly oblige. > Even I'm not Dvorak ( I know a bit of XML buzzwords > better than > Dvorak knows ), but I almost agree with the point > he is making. > > <q> > There are no universal vocabularies, so each XML > promoter just does things its own way. > "Our way is the best!" The next company over, of > course, is doing XML differently. For a > large company that subscribed to the methodology of > company A and spent millions of > dollars to do so, it will be frustrating when, for > some unknown reason, the company B > approach becomes universal and a true standard. > Nobody knows what to do about this. Death > of simplicity. > </q> > > Please, tell me what do you mean saying "I know > what to do about this" ? > > What exactly do you know ? So each XML promoter does things his own way? Isn't anybody promoting something does things his own way? What are we really talking about here? The real subject is the control and exchange of information. How was it done before? Before it was done through what we call now "legacy systems". I spent several years converting outdated legacy format into new legacy formats. How long before these "new" legacy formats become outdated or need to be translated into another legacy format? Doesn't "legacy" strike fear in your heart? I just looked in the dictionary (http://www.webster.com). The word "legacy" means basically inherited property. So a legacy system is a proprietary system that authors worked on for many years, improving it and diverging from standards if there were any in the first place. And now we come to the present XML. The diverisity of emerging XML standards cannot be underrated, yes, you're right there. Diversity is the legacy of competition, it is not up to us. Now, let me ask you this: how much easier is it to convert legacy formats than to convert XML? I'll give you this straight: not easier at all. A lot harder! You can spend a month writing C code to translate CAT COBOL tables (medical database) into MediWin Paradox (another medical database) (and you have to, if you don't have source code, and have no clue about COBOL anyway), and a day writing XSLT to translate one XML format into another (no matter how different they are). When you say it is a death of simplicity, I say it is a death of complexity that is involved when trying to bridge legacy systems. Therefore, I know what to do when some other company's XML standard becomes wide-spread instead of mine. I'll just write XSLT :^) ===== Dmitri Pavlenkov ComputerAge Inc. Ft. Myers, Florida, USA __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! http://photos.yahoo.com/
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