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And similar to the pre and post condition notions used in the old IETM databases. A process executes somewhat serially, completes, and stores the results (post-conditions) as the pre-conditions for the next process node. Diagnostic models based on a simulation of operational modes works like that. The trick for the author is to ferret out the hidden couplers that create unknown unknowns in processes with parallel schedules: eg, kill the guy on the other side of the aircraft by moving a wing surface while they are beneath it. Again, when doing this for real work, don't fly the first one. Very much the kind of thing we are discussing in standard business processes or what MS calls long term transactions. Neat. We see the same design pattern in so many different applications: persist a process by "dehydrating" and "rehydrating". So we get back to layering, heterarchies of processes, etc. This is good because we can use this understanding to look at the meta-models being advanced for designing these (eg, XLang, ebXML) and inquire if they are robust enough to solve the problem. We discussed this thoroughly on the vrml-lit list as well as a way of creating interactive fiction. While it is not realistic to talk about non-linearity (without predictability, plot has little meaning), it is realistic to talk about a system of locally linear but evolvable plots. In effect, any control-driven system with a means to change paths based on abstracting discoverable patterns into signals works this way. Most simulations of real-time systems have the same issues. Len Bullard Intergraph Public Safety clbullar@i... http://www.mp3.com/LenBullard Ekam sat.h, Vipraah bahudhaa vadanti. Daamyata. Datta. Dayadhvam.h -----Original Message----- From: Leigh Dodds [mailto:ldodds@i...] I was involved with a Java port of the Quake2 game server for a while (the project [1] has dried up now). We ended up using a DOM tree to store the level information, allowing game modules to manipulate the data prior to the start of a new level. XML was also used as a means of persisting game data, and loading game state at start of level. I also tinkered with an XML structure for capturing the model animation data. It was a neat way to add extensibility to the game data. Nothing flashy but an interesting application to work with never the less. [1]. http://www.planetquake.com/q2java/
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