[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] tabs to indent for pretty-printing
(either I'm a moron for thinking of this idea in the first place, or I'm a moron for not thinking of it earlier, I'm not sure which.) I indent the XML files I create so that nesting is more visible. eg. <parent> <child> <childOfchild/> </child> </parent> instead of <parent><child><childOfchild/></child></parent> What I've been doing is using 1 space per level of indentation. The problem is, some of the files I create are really, *really* deeply nested, and those spaces take up a large amount of the space in the file. So I had this idea that I would save space by representing every spaces w/ a tab. There is the problem that tabs aren't a standard size, but I figure I can just put a comment at the top of the XML file, like <!-- set tab size to 4 spaces for proper indentation--> while slightly hack-y, it doesn't change the actual content of the XML file at all (of course I'm always talking about ignorable whitespace), and it makes a big difference for me, often cutting files to 2/3 their original size. it seems so obvious now, but I dont' remember ever seeing any other comments about taking this approach. do you think its OK to do this?? thanks, Imran Rashid
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