[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RE: RDF, the "semantic web", and the nadir of AI (was RE: Realist icprop
Standard vocabularies for domains were pretty well understood by scholastics in the middle ages. That wasn't AI. It was common sense. The W3C standardizes common sense. Film at 11. On the other hand, get two businesses to agree to an interface to a service (meaning they can ask for and receive precisely what they asked for on terms to which they agree), and you have modern contract-based business. If you tell the IT staffs they are engineering semantics, they will laugh, turn, and say, "I'm out of here." And they will be right to do so. Len Bullard Intergraph Public Safety clbullar@i... http://www.mp3.com/LenBullard Ekam sat.h, Vipraah bahudhaa vadanti. Daamyata. Datta. Dayadhvam.h -----Original Message----- From: Jonathan Borden [mailto:jborden@m...] On the other hand, perhaps the greatest single invention of this time was the idea of a semantic network. The apparently simple act of agreeing on a standard vocabulary or terminology for a particular field of study can then be seen for its true and great value. The problem with the semantic web isn't that there is no potential, but rather that it is a really difficult thing to do well. RDF is at least a start.
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