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Title: RE: Realistic proposals to the W3C? Bullard, Claude L wrote: > The Semantic Web is a crock. You can't explain and
Unlike Tim, I do not claim to know whether the semantic web can pan out or not. However, if the W3C is to be a research lab for the web, it has to be free to try some things that are not proven technology. In 1997, most people I talked to about XML query languages thought the whole idea was a crock. Today, the idea seems to have caught fire. The XQL folks and the XML-QL folks were investigating this area before it was clear to most people that it would be worthwhile. HTML and HTTP also had plenty of critics in their early days. Of course, so did many technologies we now laugh off. Some ideas that seem ridiculous really are. But it takes time to sort these things out, and why try to stop other people from putting their efforts into things that I do not yet see the significance of? Jonathan
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