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Dear all, the XPointer reference and XPointer tutorial have been released on http://www.zvon.org. XPointer reference allows easy access to definitions of locations, errors and functions, with links to relevant examples in XPointer tutorial. See http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xpointer/refs/Output/xpointer_refs.html XPointer tutorial explains the concepts of XPointer in more than 30 examples. It is aimed at "ordinary" user, who will use XPointer mainly in the 'href' attribute of XLink. See http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xpointer/tutorial/OutputExamples/xpointer_tut.html I will be very grateful for your comments, suggestions and also bug reports. Best regards Jirka Jirat Similar message sent to: zvon@l... and www-xml-linking-comments@w... -- <name firstName="Jirka" surname="Jirat"/> <mail> jiratj@i... </mail> <support> http://www.zvon.org </support> <zvonMailingList> http://www.zvon.org/index.php?nav_id=4 </zvonMailingList>
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