[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] New expat releases and future development plans
I am happy to announce that I am handing over future development and maintenance of expat to a team led by Clark Cooper, hosted on sourceforge.net. Clark is working towards an expat 2.0 that adds several new features, including better support for use as a shared library under Linux and other Unix variants. A beta release is available already. See http://expat.sourceforge.net In the meantime, I have released expat 1.2, which is my final major production release. This is very similar to the expat test releases that have been available for some time. Relative to 1.1, as well as fixing a number of bugs, it adds support for parsing external DTDs and parameter entities. It is also now available under a more permissive license (the MIT license rather than the MPL/GPL). See http://www.jclark.com/xml/expat.html James
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