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Glad to hear that the term "semantic web" is so controversial. This will be a topic at the new GCA event coming up in Austin Texas, March 4-7. Knowledge Technologies 2001 will introduce the next technology revolution. Based on attendance at the recent GCA XML events, the sessions on topic maps, RDF, ontologies, semantics, and knowledge management have been the most well attended. Thus, GCA is introducing this new event. It replaces the Xtech series usually held in the same time slot. A Conference Board of Advisors has been established to oversee the event: Eric Miller, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC Online Chris Mellor, President, Wolters Kluwer International Health and Science Ann Wrightson, KnoW Steering Grouup Steve Pepper, CTO, Ontopia AS Michel Biezunski, Infoloom, co-editor, Topic Maps Dan Connolly, XML Activity Lead, W3C Mills Davis, CXO and Senior VP, PrintCafe Jim King, Director, Technology and Business Strategy, Microsoft Corporation Dominic Shakeshaft, VP Web Products, Wrox Press Chris Wolff, VP New e-Analytical Opportunities, West Group I would invite you to submit a paper for this event. For more information on Knowledge Technologies and the selection process, please visit the event web site at: http://www.knowledgetechnologies.net and a p.s. To dispell some recent rumors, the Xtreme Markup Technologies event was extremely successful. Xtreme 2001 will take place in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 6-10, 2001. Watch for details! Marion L. Elledge Senior VP/IT Graphic Communications Association melledge@g... www.gca.org 703-519-8193 http://www.gca.org http://www.IDEAlliance.org Check out the upcoming GCA/IT events: XML 2000 December 3-8 Washington DC http://www.xmlusa.net Knowledge Technologies 2001 Austin Convention Center Austin TX March 4-7, 2001 http://www.knowledgetechnologies.net XML Europe 2001 ICC Berlin Berlin, Germany May 21-25, 2001 Xtreme Markup Technologies 2001 Wydham Hotel Montreal, Quebec, Canada August 6-10, 2001
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