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At 22:22 16-10-2000 -0400, Amy Lewis wrote: >On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 09:09:07AM -0500, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote: > >Here's the rub: XML Is Not a W3C Success. > >I disagree. Emphatically. You're free to, of course. But the fact is that the W3C Team largely ignored the "SGML Editorial Review Board" and "SGML Working Group" - the official W3C liaison to the SGML ERB hardly participated[*] - until the media and the public picked up this new "XML" thing as presented at SGML '96 and started to run with it. Then namespaces and RDF happened; some feel that we'd be better off if the W3C hadn't noticed what Jon was up to after all. -Chris, BTDT, got the lapel pin [*] Though to be fair to Dan, he may have just trusted the ERB to do the right thing, and this is all my recollection anyway since the ERB archives are empty. Anyone know why? -- Christopher R. Maden, Senior XML Analyst, Lexica LLC 222 Kearny St., Ste. 202, San Francisco, CA 94108-4510 +1.415.901.3631 tel./+1.415.477.3619 fax <URL:http://www.lexica.net/> <URL:http://www.oreilly.com/%7Ecrism/>
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