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Re: XML, 2nd Edition

  • From: Rick JELLIFFE <ricko@g...>
  • To: xml-dev@x...
  • Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 20:12:05 +0800

AndrewWatt2000@a... wrote:
> I am unable to locate any public Working Draft of Namespaces in XML
> Version 1.1. Has anyone any information about when a Working Draft may
> become publicly available?
I don't believe work has seriously started on it, so no need to panic.

There have been several logjams AFAIK.  

One of the big ones is to see how XML Schemas handles namespaces.  As
Roger Costello and others have pointed out, the issue of whether to
allow "local" names for elements or attributes is a biggy (a local name
is an unqualified name used for a child element or an attribute: does it
inherit the namespace, is it in no namespace, can we treat is being
scoped to the containing element that does have a namespaces, can a
local name be redefined in different contexts, etc.)    Now that XML
Schema's approach is clear, that can feed back into how XML Namespaces
could be improved (assuming W3C/TBL review accepts the XML Schemas CR
after its review, of course.)

Other (lesser?) ones have been the issue of the treatment of relative
namespaces, the proposals for XML Base, and working on the information
set drafts and the XML 1.0 errata. 

It looks these logjams are more or less cleared now, so I suppose the
XML Core Working Group will get time to turn their attention to
Namespaces in the nearer future.  Some of its members read this list:
perhaps they can give a better rough indication (but no promises) of
their expectations for this.

Rick Jelliffe


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