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On Friday, September 29, 2000 at 16:03, JDavid@r... wrote : > I am going to convert a EDI project into an XML/EDI project and that lead me to the whole new world of XML. What is the most used? The XEDI (pronounced "zee-dee") Translator is the ONLY XML translator to support ALL documents in ALL versions of both X12 (EDI) and EDIFACT out of the box. While there are other mapping tools out there, XEDI is the only tool that provides full EDI and EDIFACT translation to XML (and back) immediately. Other tools only handle a subset of EDI or EDIFACT transactions - this means that you must manually map the EDI or EDIFACT transactions to XML and back (an extremely difficult and time consuming process). A partial listing of the X12 transactions supported by XEDI is available at: http://www.xmls.com/products/xedi/documents.xml?id=xedi_documents (Note that this is a partial listing - XEDI supports all X12 and EDIFACT transactions.) XEDI also supports several industry standard markup languages such as CommerceOne's xCBL, RosettaNet and Oracle's OAG. XEDI has been endorsed by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA). The AIA Electronic Commerce Working Group believes that XEDI should be considered by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), Open Applications Group (OAG), and ANSI ASC X12 as a superior method for XML development. XEDI was also selected by CommerceOne to handle EDI and EDIFACT transactions for Covisint (the GM/Ford/Chrysler exchange). XEDI is a Java-based translator that uses completely open standards. Data dictionaries and transformation instruction sets are all in XML, so the translator is easily extended and customizes to meet a company's particular EDI trading requirements. XMLSolutions' EDI to XML approach is based entirely (100%) on the X12 or EDIFACT data dictionaries and the associated business rules that are defined by the applicable standards body for each transaction set. For an EDI or EDIFACT document translation, go to: http://www.xmls.com/products/xedi/demonstration.xml?id=xedi_demonstration. The main XEDI site is at: http://www.xmls.com/products/xedi/?idref=xedi. White papers and other information on XEDI is available at http://www.xedi.org. Hope this helps! John Evdemon Chief Architect XMLSolutions http://www.xmls.com http://www.xedi.org
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