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> BTW: using XML in games is not that novel. The > X3D effort has an XML encoding and can be applied > to games, there is a talkingHead application that > uses XML, and extending the persistence of games > via XML serialization is a straightforward application. > The latency issues are a much harder problem > than picking XML for message formats. I was involved with a Java port of the Quake2 game server for a while (the project [1] has dried up now). We ended up using a DOM tree to store the level information, allowing game modules to manipulate the data prior to the start of a new level. XML was also used as a means of persisting game data, and loading game state at start of level. I also tinkered with an XML structure for capturing the model animation data. It was a neat way to add extensibility to the game data. Nothing flashy but an interesting application to work with never the less. [1]. http://www.planetquake.com/q2java/ Cheers, L. -- Leigh Dodds, Systems Architect | "Pluralitas non est ponenda http://weblogs.userland.com/eclectic | sine necessitate" http://www.xml.com/pub/xmldeviant | -- William of Ockham
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