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RE: DOM (level 1): moving elements from one document to another

  • From: Mike.Champion@S...
  • To: xml-dev@l...
  • Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 13:02:37 -0400

Title: RE: DOM (level 1): moving elements from one document to another

I realize that this works in a number of implementations, but people should realize that this is not necessarily portable. The Level 1 Recommendation  specifies that appendChild should throw a "WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newChild was created from a different document than the one that created this node." 

As for cloneNode specifying that the parentNode of the result is null ... this is different from the ownerDocument node.  The result of a cloneNode is not in a particular "tree", hence it has no parent, but the nodes are owned by a specific Document, i.e. the "ownerDocument".  This was, as I recall, done to make it easy to write simple implementations in which every Document stood on its own and had no links to other Documents. 

-----Original Message-----
From: David Valera
To: Mike.Champion@S...; xml-dev@l...
Sent: 10/11/00 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: DOM (level 1): moving elements from one document to another

Well, I have always used this:


having XMLTree and Node a different ownerdocument. Would this mean that
using this methods should generate an error? I have used this in two
different parsers (with DOM 1 implementations) and none of them
generated an



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