[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] a nice demo page for XPath
Look at http://wwbota.free.fr/Samples/DisplayDescriptions/speciesGUI.htm This HTML + DHML + Javascript + XML + XPath page allows to : - visualize any XML document on the Web - visualize structure of the XML document as a list of XPath paths - experiment with XPath requests I used it recently for trainings on XPath. The underlying Javascript code is also interesting for its own sake; it is under GNU GPL licence. For this version, the code has been tidied and enhanced. More explanations about this page are at : http://wwbota.free.fr/Samples/DisplayDescriptions/explanations.htm It currently works with Internet Explorer 5, plus the DLL patch msxml3.dll conforming to XPath et XSLT recommandations, downloadable from http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml It should be possible to adapt this page for other browsers, either with the Xalan applet, or with Mozilla's new XSLT functionalities. Also some Javascript + DHTML code could be added to have a GUI to help generate XPath queries without having to copy-and-paste XPath strings from the page. For instance a general query in construction such as /a[constraint1]/b[constraint2] | <same thing> could be associated to pull-down menus: - / or // or . - b or other possible tags at same depth level - for adding constraints a button will insert a GUI of the same kind as the entry general query GUI, since a constraint's syntax is the same as a general XPath string. Also desirable would be the generation of a skeleton DOM document to record the structure of the instance document, instead of the simple associative array with XPath strings that is currently used. This page has been developped as part of the "Worlwide Botanical Knowledge Base" project, see : http://wwbota.free.fr/ -- <person> <firstName>Jean-Marc</firstName> <lastName>Vanel</LastName> <motto>Veni, vidi, convici</motto> <conference>9th International World Wide Web Conference - Amsterdam, May 15-19, 2000 <a href="http://www.www9.org/">site</a> </conference> <project>Worlwide Botanical Knowledge Base - making botany available on Internet <a href="http://wwbota.free.fr/" >site</a> </project> <a href="http://jmvanel.free.fr/>home page</a> <a href="mailto:jmvanel@f...">mail (possibly put "wwbota" in subject to route your mail in relevant folder)</a> </person>
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