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"Bullard, Claude L (Len)" wrote: > Didn't catalogs work? The problem as I understand it is that FPIs > and System identifiers work for systems only where catalogs are centrally > located so resolvable, or ubiquitously distributed. DNS replicates > so I am not sure why catalogs can't. However, one still needs a means > to automatically add FPI/System pairs to catalogs to be replicated. > I wonder if spamming isn't the answer. The answer is to run a bunch of root catalog servers, probably starting at OASIS. HTTP is a very suitable mechanism for transporting catalogs; the DELEGATE directive makes it possible to run catalog servers in administrative areas. -- There is / one art || John Cowan <jcowan@r...> no more / no less || http://www.reutershealth.com to do / all things || http://www.ccil.org/~cowan with art- / lessness \\ -- Piet Hein
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