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RE: Realistic proposals to the W3C?

  • From: James Robertson <jamesr@s...>
  • To: xml-dev@x...
  • Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 09:19:23 +1000

w3c certificate
At 22:16 17/10/2000, Jonathan.Robie@S... wrote:

>James Robertson wrote:
> > At 08:24 17/10/2000, Jonathan.Robie@S... wrote:
> >> In fact, Tim B-L strongly prefers to have two interoperable
> >> implementations. It keeps the IETF people from snickering if something
> >> goes wrong. The problem has to do with proving interoperability.
> >> I think it would be healthy to see this as a formal requirement.
> > I'm glad to here that _he_ "prefers" two
> > interoperable implementations.
> >
> > He decided not to require this in the
> > case of, say, XSL:FO?
>It is on a case-by-case basis, as I understand it. And there are no formal 
>test suites in most groups.

Isn't this something that should be fixed?

My personal opinion is that a standard should
not be released in final form until:

* Two independent implementations exist.
* A formal test suite has been developed.

This should be made an absolute requirement
for _all_ candidate standards.

Further, to a previous poster's suggestion:
how about the W3C develop a tightly-controlled
"W3C compliance certificate" that would be
awarded to implementations that pass the
test suites?

Like, for example, Java certification, Windows
certification, MacOS certification, etc, etc ...


James Robertson
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy
Illumination: an out-of-the-box Intranet solution



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