[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: How to Unsubscribe!
Isn't it actually "lists.xml.org"? I know the xml.org works, but... By corporate edict (which many of us hope will change), I must use Lotus Notes. Now, I can view the header info, after a fashion, and this is what is says: Field Name: $AdditionalHeaders Data Type: Text List Data Length: 2131 bytes Seq Num: 1 Dup Item ID: 0 Field Flags: "Received: from one.elistx.com ([]) by mailex.lante.com (Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.7 (934.1 12-30-1999)) with SMTP id 8625696D.00320D92; Tue, 3 Oct 2000 04:06:42 -0500 I've examined the other 33 fields that Lotus Notes tracks, and nowhere do I see anything about unsubscribing. Not that I wish to, and besides, I already know how. Those who use web mail are also very likely not to be able to see these headers, and of all the subscribers on the list, these are the ones who will most likely need the instruction. My point is, that only a certain percentage of the email clients provide the subscribe/unsubscribe information that is supposedly contained in the header. This was never a problem when the information was in the body of the email. At the very least, I would expect a sig at the bottom of each email, inserted by the listserver, with a link to the page describing the process for unsubscribing, as well as any other listserv functions. This would go a long way to reducing the annoyance of the unsubscribe requests. Not only that, but the home page at xml.org doesn't even provide a link to the page where you could get this information. All it does is provide an input form to sign up! Duh! You have to figure out that you first go to Resources, then find XML-Dev, then you have a very sparse page with only subscription and unsubscription info, and nothing about other listserver commands like index or help. (for all I know there aren't any). How about: To unsubscribe: http://www.xml.org/xml-dev/index.shtml Short, and to the point. Regards, Mike Sharp Matt Sergeant <matt@s...> on 10/03/2000 01:56:55 AM To: xml-dev@x... cc: (bcc: Mike Sharp/Lante) Subject: How to Unsubscribe! Please stop the "unsubscribe" requests to this list, its getting so that there are more unsubscribe posts per day than normal posts! If you want to unsubscribe: - Send a mail to mailto:xml-dev-request@x... - In the body of the message put "unsubscribe". - Click "Send". Its really not that hard, and this information is in the headers of all emails posted to this list. -- <Matt/> ** Director and CTO ** ** AxKit.com Ltd ** ** XML Application Serving ** ** http://axkit.org ** ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP ** ** Personal Web Site: http://sergeant.org/ ** See me speak about AxKit at ApacheCon: http://www.apachecon.com/
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