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At 11:59 AM 10/25/00 -0400, Jonathan Borden wrote: > The 'problem' with IETF certified MIME types is that each MIME type (or >group of types) needs to move through the IETF process. In the case of Schemas, I'd certainly hope this isn't a real problem. Various W3C folks have participated on ietf-xml-mime, and they do seem to be aware both of the existence of the registration process and the latest drafts. For RELAX, I suspect Murata Makoto will be ready with a registration. He is, after, the lead author on the IETF drafts describing XML MIME type registration. For Schematron, it starts getting trickier, since its foundation is XSLT. It has more options, basically. >A major advantage of >namespaces is that they are available to anyone who can create a URI. Using >the DNS system, a registration and resolution mechanism exists today, >problems and all, and software (e.g. web server) exists that can resolve a >URI, parameterized by a MIME type via the Accept: header, into a document. Availability is one thing, supporting infrastructure another. CC/PP maybe? > Alternatives such as Notations and FPIs have been proposed and specified >but as of today no pervasive infrastructure exists to resolve an FPI into a >document. So we have a alternative: a system which has problems but >basically works much of the time, or a theoretically better system which >hasn't been deployed. I'm not sure what you're referencing in the last paragraph - maybe it's just that I haven't seen any of these options widely deployed, though possibilities exist for all of them. Simon St.Laurent XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed. XHTML: Migrating Toward XML http://www.simonstl.com - XML essays and books
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