[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RE: RDF, the "semantic web", and the nadir of AI (was RE: Realist icprop
>Now whether or not this is the Semantic Web is up to TBL, it's >his vision, >and he has my respect for being the inventor of something as >Mind Bombish as >the WWW. I would love to visit him sometime, in a lecture-hall setting >perhaps, and listen to his mind talk about the Semantic Web. >Or I'd like to >interview him, Charlie Rose-style to pull the vision out of >his mind, in >words, so the rest of us can get busy making software for it. Minimum requirements for a semantic web: -2 pieces of markup. -an explicit link between them. -a program that processes the above and outputs a new piece of markup. In one sense, this is just processing over hyperlinks. These are the same minimum requirements for a non-semantic web. We've being doing this for 30 years, thanks to folks like Doug Englebart, Ted Nelson and Tim Berners Lee. An aside to anyone involved in organising www10: you should really try and get these guys into one room. The semantic web is really the notated web. Think Hypernotes instead of Hyperlinks. Logical inference (automagicking the semantic web) is just finding the implicit links betwen bits of markup and telling someone about it. The big idea behind the semantic web is that we can do more significant stuff than turn some words blue and draw lines underneath them. But the significance is in the eye of the beholder. Qualia nuts notwithstanding, the semantic stuff is not different from the data stuff or the metadata stuff. Significance makes the difference. Most of the tools exist already to cobble this together. What is needed are some good data structures to create the rich links/notes between bits of markup. -Bill de hÓra
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