[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RE: Services-based automation (WAS RE: Realistic proposals to the W3C?)
> RDF schemas are intended to complement not replace XML schemas. An RDF > schema defines a semantic hierarchy, or network, of element names. The URI > created by concatenating the namespace URI to the element name > identifies an RDF Schema Class to which the instance belongs, or may > identifiy an RDF Schema Property. And hence they are broken. I have the domain www.jersey.com which has cool information about sweaters, so I define my namespace: <doc xmlns:j="http://www.jersey.com/schema"> <j:price>$100</j:price> </doc> so j:price identifies an RDF Schema Class. Here j:price means "price of a football jersey". The folk on the island get annoyed and buy my domain name for $100,000 (small island), and then they decide to create a schema for defining prices for tours of the island. They use the namespace: <doc xmlns:j="http://www.jersey.com/schema"> <j:price>100 pound</j:price> </doc> Does j:price now still identify the same RDF Schema Class as before?
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