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Re: Depicting interdependence relationships in xml

  • From: Rick JELLIFFE <ricko@g...>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 06:13:06 +0800

interdependence relationships
rohit srivastava wrote:
> Hello,
> I am in the process of creating an XML vocabulary. I have elements whose
> values depend on the values of other elements. For example if element A
> assumes the value Ax(say), element B can only take on the value Bx(from a
> list of other possible values). And if the value of element A was Ay(say),
> then element B will be constrained to take on the value By(say).
> I am wondering, is it possible to constrain an XML document in this manner?
> I looked at DTD's and i don't think that they allow an XML document to be
> constrained in this manner(please correct me if i am wrong).
> Or is there someplace else that i should be looking to implement such
> relationships in my XML docuements(at the time of generating XML or possibly
> using XSL; but then XSL only works on preexisting docs).
Check the Schematron language
or (in the future)

This is a language for making assertions about patterns within a
document: the patterns may concern structures or values (strings or
numbers).  It is specifically designed to let you state and validate
co-occurence constraints between arbitrary elements/attributes in a
document, specified using XPaths. And it is quite friendly, if you are a

For a high-end version of a similar language which has richer datatypes
and a less terse syntax, aimed at constraints between documents, see 

These are probably your best bets currently.

Rick Jelliffe


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