[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RDF news (was Re: interoperability (was Re: Obfuscating XML withnamespac
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 05:24:27PM -0400, David Megginson wrote: > RDF has way too many ugly parts, but there are some specs being built > on top of it (RSS 1.0, PRISM, XMLNews-Meta, the now-moribund INDECS, > and a few others that have been mentioned on XMLHack), so it's a tiny > spark. This may be a good time to note an interesting new RDF tool, repat <http://injektilo.org/rdf/repat.html>. Repat is an RDF parser in C, in the same vein as Clarks' expat. Oh, and the RDF news David refers to can be accessed at <http://xmlhack.com/list.php?cat=28>. There's more going on than we manage to cover, on the whole. RDF seems to be undergoing a jump in activity level, with parsers sprouting in various places. -- Edd
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