[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: Who will maintain SAX?
Any chance of getting IETF interested in SAX? There are several advantages: 1) No fees 2) Open to anyone 3) Neutral standards body (no risk of alienating vendors e.g. Apache) Problem: SAX is really applications-oriented, not infrastructure. Would IETF even be interested in this? -----Original Message----- From: Paul Johnston <johnston.p@w...> To: xml-dev@l... <xml-dev@l...> Sent: Mon Oct 02 16:13:54 2000 Subject: Re: Who will maintain SAX? I'm not sure I understand throughout this discussion what the role of the SAX maintainer would be. It seems like SAX is a static entity---new features seem to come not in the form of changes to SAX itself, but as new entities (SAX2, for example). Does 'SAX' really *need* a maintainer? Naively, Paul
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