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Title: RDF, the "semantic web", and the nadir of AI (was RE: Realistic proposals to the W3C?) -----Original Message-----
All fashions tend to come and go in cycles, and maybe artificial
After all, what would *you* do with a logical-predicate database the
Isn't that more or less what CYC www.cyc.com is? Douglas Lenat (its inventor) spoke at Extreme Markup, I believe; did he relate CYC to the "semantic web" or RDF? I admit to suffering the extreme cynicism about "AI" that comes from having been a zealot about its potential in my mis-spent youth and suffering continued disillusionment since ... and it's hard to shake the feeling that the 'semantic web' is 1980's AI hype on life support. Could anyone set me straight if this is terribly unfair? (Yes I *know* that Tim BL denies the connection between the semantic web and AI, but I'm talking about the community and its technologies, not the abstract goal of making software "intelligent").
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