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standards development and community process

  • From: KenNorth <KenNorth@e...>
  • To: xml-dev@x...
  • Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 10:27:04 -0700

michael goulish
> 1. Keep putting out your opinions on xml-dev.  ... *If* enough other
people like your ideas, they will get instantiated in "standards".

This list is one slice of the XML community, but the issue of how we set
standards affects a broader population of developers. How the XML community
approaches the standards issue will probably influence other communities and
future standards.

I find it interesting that VRML developers worked through a consortium, but
created an ISO standard that's freely available on the Web:

> 2. If you really want to be part of the W3C groups, join a company
>     that will put you there.

OK, so let's see. All the independent consultants, academics, and employees
of small organization should change their chosen career path and join one of
the W3C's member organizations. That's probably not a practical solution for
giving that community a voice.

Perhaps we should consider an alternate approach. Yet another numbered list:

1. The VRML consortium, for example, has a $100 Professional Membership for
persons not affiliated with any member company.

2. Sun's community process is holding open elections for the JCP Executive

Should we have a formal XML Community Process with a board of elected
representatives? Would the W3C cooperate with elected representatives of an
XML Community Process?

Would the community process be the vehicle for accomplishing what VRML
developers accomplished -- low barriers to entry and a freely-downloadable
ISO spec?


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